Tuesday, March 22, 2011

23, and counting insyaAllah


Today, I am 23 officially! Alhamdulillah. Syukur yang amat kepada Allah yang masih memberi saya nafas untuk bertaubat.

Dan untuk mengejar bekalan ke akhirat.

A year older
A year wiser
And a year closer to death

Dan juga untuk anda semua.

Thank you
Thank you for such wonderful wishes
For sincere hopes
And powerful DoĆ”
You guys have been with me all these while
My ups and downs
Standing by me
Supporting me
Listening to me
Talking to me

Thank you so much

May Allah reward you in this world
And hereafter.

And for you who I concern
I am totally speechless
Yes I am
You successfully made my heart
Singing with your words
Dancing with your melody
And whistling, with your pure heart

I just fall in love
With our friendship

May Allah reward you in this world
And hereafter.

With Love

Nor Azizul Mohamad


NanyFadhly said...

As salam,

Hai Jul, tak tahu pon ader blog. Anyways, Happy birthday bro!..semoga ALLAH terus melimpahi rahmat ke atas diri kita sumer. :-)

take crae

Ejul said...


hehe. ingatkan siapa la tadi hannah. rupanya2 ibu nany.

Thanks nany! insyaAllah. semoga nany sentiasa bahagia disamping keluarga yang tercinta insyaAllah. dan diberkatiNya

Take care too =)